Obsessed with only the best,we have forgotten that good is enough.

We are all looking for the best,and I wasn’t an exception.In the 10 years of my profession I hadn’t been threatened by the internet as much in the last 2 years,thanks to the Internet revolution powered by Google.

Until few years back I didn’t consider my fellow dentist a competitor,the biggest mistake I did,was subscribing to a practice management software to organize appointments.

In the quest to make Health care simple for patient,few companies invaded the internet to facilitate between doctor and patient.

Those few companies were successful in convincing to increase my online visibility,and that is where I discovered many of my fellow dentist as competitor.Truth is they too were convinced as me.

Taking every colleague as a competitor wasn’t right thing for me.Some one had to break the loop and I chose to do it.

The strains of competition didn’t leave me completely,I have to do something to be discovered by new patients and I chose a website.

Things were good,I had new patients through my website,until I met a SEO expert.

Being a dentist,I didn’t understand SEO.The only idea I had,I have to pay to become the Best Dentist[my city/locality], Best Dental Clinic [my city/locality].

Hiring a SEO expert for the Best Dentist gave me a High. I had a feeling that every new patient walked into my clinic because they knew I’m the Best Dentist.

Best is a Relative Term

There is no one product or service that could be the best for everyone.The best depends on the priority,preference and the economy of the patient. A simple filling done on a routine dental checkup is best compared to a Root canal treatment,when you visit Dentist only while there is pain or need.

War of the Best

In the Internet era being Best is most valued and the most expensive term.Every business or company are fighting to be the best on the Internet.As a consumer I’m too looking only for the “best” when a simple “good” can do.Internet behavior is constantly changing,businesses and companies are striving to be the best at least on the internet.

Best Experience

It is not the best service or the product a patient remembers,it is the experience that lasts in memory. I spend some quality time with my patients to know about their family,profession and experiences.Sometimes,I have time to listen to their stories too

The Cost of being Best

The cost of being best on internet is mostly invaded by big companies,so it is becoming expensive to tag “Best” to myself .Online Service providers to the dental community will continue to make it more expensive.I don’t intend to waste my resource.

Best conscience

Professional or Personal,my conscience is always at its best. Whether I’m treating my family or patients,my protocol for the treatment is same,because my conscience is always at its best.

Best is between Expectation and Execution

Best lies between the expectation of patient and execution of the dentist. Patients expect a painless procedure,but they don’t understand it is the anesthesia that works on patient.

Team Work is Best

As a Dentist,it important to have the best outcome of treatment,and I never hesitate to take advise or help from my seniors,nothing can work best as Team work does.

Trust is Best

In the quest to look for best we have forgotten to trust.

P.S. This article was originally written on medium.com . To read the original article,copy and paste the given link- https://medium.com/@pawan03/why-i-stopped-becoming-the-best-dentist-7d64034f996b